Categories: Tutorials

[How-to] Free London Tube WiFi – Virgin Media, EE, Vodafone & O2 Customers Only

London Underground, the fastest and easiest way to travel across London. The service started 150 years ago. Alternatively commuters call “Tube” which describes it best. Most of the Underground or Tube stations are under the ground with no mobile phone network or internet access. Virgin Media brought WiFi to London Underground stations last year. Still the tube WiFi broadband internet access is not available at all stations of London Underground.

Tube WiFi was free for public during the Olympic 2012 and until end of summer when they started the service. Then, Virgin Media started charging for the tube WiFi service. However, there is still free WiFi service available in the underground, only for the customers of Virgin Media, EE (T-Mobile & Orange), Vodafone & O2 mobile network.

The free WiFi service available first to Virgin Media and EE customers. Later Vodafone joined the party to offer free tube WiFi access to its customers. Recently the blue network O2 joined party and is now offering free wireless internet service to the O2 users. Only ThreeUK is not offering the service for their customers.

Few important things about WiFi on the Underground

  • It doesn’t work when you are in the tunnels or between stations
  • Works only when you are at any station; ticket hall, platform, walkway etc
  • Any WiFi enabled device can get internet; smartphone, tablet, laptop etc
  • Not good for downloading large files or streaming movie unless you are not in the train
  • WiFi will disconnect every time the train leaves the station
  • It will be automatically connected at the next station if WiFi is available

Every network has their own way to give internet access on the underground. I’m putting some info and link on how to get it from your network if you are not using WiFi on tube yet. Check which station is live with WiFi service from here.

Virgin Media

Virgin Media Broadband and Mobile users can get free WiFi on the underground. Just connect with the wireless network. Open your browser > Try to use any website if you don’t see Virgin Media portal. Login using your Virgin media ID and password.

EE (T-Mobile & Orange)

All pay monthly users are using this service for free. Pay as you go users can get it too by topping up £5 credit in their account in every 30 days. Just send a text EEWIFI to 9527 and they’ll send you a password to use the service on stations. Then connect your device with the wireless network. Sign-in to the network using your mobile number and the password. For more info visit EE.


All pay monthly customers are eligible and only pay as you go users who has internet as part of their plan. You can get it from your Vodafone online account and make sure you are a registered customer. Visit Vodafone for more info.


Customers who already signed up for O2 WiFi will be automatically registered to London Underground WiFi. If you haven’t signed up for O2 WiFi you can use the Android or iOS app. Once you are signed-up from the Virgin Media Portal your device will be registered and the result? Use WiFi on Tube. For more info visit O2.

Hope this helps you to get connected to the internet in the Underground stations. Join our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter for updates and share with the fans.


Tech blogger, web developer. Using Android from January 2009 when I got my first T-Mobile G1. Since then used a handful amount of Android smartphones and tablets. Also, rooting and using custom ROM & MODs on my phones and tablets. Photography is my passion along with Cryptocurrency. Taking pictures with my Samsung NX1 & Canon 70D during free times. Enjoy reading anything interesting happening with technology. Currently using a Galaxy S7 Edge, OnePlus 3, Nexus 5X, Galaxy Tab PRO 12.2.

View Comments

  • Its a shame I am on Tesco and unable to connect yet Tesco mobile runs under o2. the Tu Go app is not any good for me either.

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