This is a new PiPO M9 3G Rooted ROM with CWM recovery. This build is based off from the build of 08/06/13 firmware released by PiPO. Still this ROM is running a under developed version of Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. Not all the Jelly Bean feature present in the ROM for your tablet. Such as, multi user functionality. Randy from FreakTab forum is doing a great job releasing these ROM.
Riley ROM for this tablet is now on version 1.6. We talked about the previous version PiPO M9 3G rooted ROM 1.5 here with all the instructions. I’m using this ROM for last few days without any problem. The ROM itself is working properly with high performance. Though, I still wish if we could get a proper or ported CyanogenMod ROM for this tablet. It would be a proper way utilizing the tablet’s performance and resources.
PiPO M9 3G Rooted ROM v1.6 – Features
- Rooted – Take advantages of the tablet, do your modifications
- Debloated – Chinese apps removed
- Init.d support – Better support
- Busybox links added – Important for rooted firmwares
- 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 gig user app space by choosing the appropriate parameter file
- Working CWM Recovery – CWM is the best recovery in my opinion
PiPO M9 3G Rooted ROM v1.6 – Download
This ROM is for the new pcb version of the tablet. If you are a flashaholic like me just grab the rooted ROM in zip format here. If you do not have the 3G version, don’t worry. They have rooted ROM for the WiFi version as well, grab the WiFi version PiPO M9 firmware from here. The zip contains all the tools and files you need to flash your PiPO tablet.

For instructions on Rooting or flashing this ROM on your tablet check our previous post about rooting and installing a rooted ROM for this PiPO tablet. The guide is compatible with this ROM as well and you are getting all the files from the zip.
Note: If you need any support regarding this ROM or any issues ask at FreakTab forum post. I’m not the developer of this ROM, just a user like you. I’m not responsible if anything happens to your tablet. All the credit goes to the respective developers.
guterjunge says
my tablet no longer staret since it was finished what should I do? : (
Saddam Hossain says
Hi, try pressing the power button for at least 30 sec then try to power it back on again. Hope this will help.